Tips for Summer Pregnancies

A summer pregnancy can be such a blessing. Swollen feet slide easily into sandals, flowy summer dresses provide welcome relief for your growing belly (and look cute too!). Summer foods are the stuff pregnant dreams are made of-cold popsicles, fresh fruits and vegetables, ice cream….Yum.

But the hot days of summer can also be really challenging when you are pregnant, especially if you are in your third trimester. Heat and humidity can exacerbate swelling, drain your energy, and make movement uncomfortable. 

Here are some ideas for surviving hot summer days as a pregnant person!

Stay hydrated. I know, you already have to pee every 60 minutes. But fluid intake is so important to keep you feeling well. If plain water is unappealing to you, try adding fresh fruits. Lemon, lime, even a few berries, can infuse your water with some extra flavor. Also, popsicles totally count! A stainless steel bottle like a Yeti will help keep your water icy cold.

Swim! Swimming has so many benefits during pregnancy. It is a great low impact, strengthening exercise option, if that is important to you. Also? Being in the water just feels downright amazing when you are pregnant. Take a dip and feel the weight and discomfort you are carrying melt away as the water holds your body. If swimming isn’t your thing, bring a couple of pool noodles with you, and rest your arms on those while your legs dangle in the cool water. Aaaah. 

Small meals. This goes for late pregnancy in any season, but can be especially important if the heat is making you feel nauseous. Stick to frequent, small meals and snacks. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables will help with hydration, and protein will help you feel satisfied but not uncomfortably full. 

Take it slow. Don’t push yourself or overexert during physical activity when it is hot. When you are pregnant, it can be hard to recover when you’ve done too much. If you are exercising, try to keep your exertion level at about 50% of what you think you can do. If you feel good after 20 minutes, you can keep going! But if you’ve overdone it, it will be easier to recover. 

Be strategic. On the hottest days, save your outside time for the early mornings and evenings, when the sun is lower and the temperatures are more tolerable. 

Wear comfortable clothes. Now is not the time to try to squeeze yourself into your non-maternity shorts! There are so many great companies selling cute, comfortable maternity clothing--invest in a few summer pieces!

Give yourself permission to veg out. You are growing a human. It is OK to stay inside in front of a fan or in an air conditioned room when it is hot. There will be more summers where you can play outside in the sun with comfort and ease. Find a great book, or turn on a movie or favorite TV show, and enjoy, guilt-free. 

While you are resting in the shade, you could also spend some time planning for your baby’s arrival, including the support you will need.

Arrive Postpartum offers virtual postpartum doula and lactation support. I also offer postpartum planning sessions. If you are curious, please reach out for a free 15-20 minute phone consult!

Alison Castillo

Alison is a freelance website and brand designer and runs Homebody Web Co. as well as founding Mellow: A Community for Freelancers.

Doing everything right didn’t prepare you for this.


How to Keep You and Baby Cool on Hot Days