How to Keep You and Baby Cool on Hot Days

Having a newborn in the summer months can be so fun. Lots of daylight can help you stay energized despite disrupted nighttime sleep. Getting outside is much simpler in summer than winter--no extra layers or slippery ice and snow to navigate. The warm weather makes it easy to enjoy picnics and walks outside, and fresh air is so good for babies and parents alike. Local fruits and vegetables are plentiful, making for easy and delicious snacks and meals. Plus, ice cream! 

But summer presents some unique challenges for parents of newborns, too. Hot days become extra uncomfortable when your baby will only sleep while being held. The beach may feel overwhelming. You’ll need to be careful sun exposure since most pediatricians recommend against sunscreen for newborns. And because newborns can’t regulate their temperature well, it is easy to wonder whether they are too hot.

If you are caring for a newborn this summer, here are my best tips for staying cool on hot days.

  • If you are concerned that your baby is overheated, touch the back of their neck or their chest. If they feel warm to the touch, move to the shade, remove an article of clothing, or turn on a fan or air conditioning

  • Give baby a cooling head bath. Swaddle your baby to make them easier to hold. Support baby's body and neck, and gently run some water over their head using your bathroom or kitchen sink. You can use your free hand to gently rub their head. No soap necessary! Most babies will find this really soothing. Make sure the water is tepid--not ice cold cold and not too warm. A head bath can help bring baby’s temperature down if they have overheated.

  • Place a cool, damp washcloth on the back of your neck if you are hot and uncomfortable while holding your baby.

  • Save outside time for early mornings and evenings, when the sun is lower and the temperature is cooler. Bonus: Exposure to morning sun helps energize you after long nights, and also helps develop your baby’s Circadian rhythm (aka, teaches them that night is time to sleep!).

  • Embrace fans and air conditioning during the hottest part of the day. It is OK to stay inside watch TV on hot summer days! The newborn phase is such a short season, and next summer you can be more active outside, when your baby is a sturdy toddler (!).

  • Fill a kiddie pool or a shallow basin with cool water and soak your feet while you hold your baby, or while they rest on a blanket next to you. Add a few drops of cooling lavender essential oil for some extra pampering!

  • Invest in a sunshade or beach umbrella to help you stay shaded and cool while you enjoy the park, beach, or even just your backyard.

  • Be careful about draping fabric over your baby’s car seat to create more shade--this can trap hot air inside and make it hard for baby to breathe well. If you do this, stick to very breathable fabric and do not fully cover the car seat. 

  • Drink lots and lots of water. If adding some flavor helps you drink more, try adding some lemon, cucumber, mint, or other fruit. Staying hydrated is extra important if you are breastfeeding. Remember that babies under 6 months do not need extra water to stay hydrated--your breastmilk or formula is enough! 

What are your favorite ways to stay cool in summer? 

Alison Castillo

Alison is a freelance website and brand designer and runs Homebody Web Co. as well as founding Mellow: A Community for Freelancers.

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